Homelessness can happen to anyone

Our church family can make a difference in the lives of people who struggle with the challenges of homelessness and poverty in Lakeland, FL. Through a partnership with Talbot House, a community that provides comprehensive services to help people who need temporary respite or a more permanent transition from the challenges of homelessness, our PCH family is dedicated to serving our local community. There are also volunteer opportunities available to students who need help finding internship experience for college applications. Talbot House Ministries has been doing important work in the local community for decades. Help us provide for this important organization through donations, financial support, and volunteering.

Talbot House has comprehensive services including:

  • Men’s and women’s emergency shelter
  • Hot, healthy meals
  • Food pantry
  • Free medical clinic
  • Job assistance and vocational rehabilitation
  • Permanent housing assistance
  • Sobriety, clean-living classes
  • Classes for homeless prevention and more

How can you help?

  • Financial donations are available through the Talbot House website
  • Donating items is encouraged and we can provide a dropoff at their facility (please let us know before bringing in large items to donate)
  • Connect with volunteer opportunities or short-term programs at Talbot House
  • Other opportunities may be available depending on the time of year

Come by the PCH church office for more information about how you can do more to help Talbot House!

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