Our Adult Ministry is focused on small groups. Some are focused on bible study, some on topical series, some on common interest, and some for food and fellowship.
Moms Group
We meet weekly at different restaurant locations on Wednesday evenings 6:00pm-7:30pm with free childcare.
Senior Ministry
We invite you to join them for lunch every 3rd Wednesday 1pm and for game nights every 2nd Friday 7pm. Share food and fellowship with your Christian family and friends.
Men’s Group
We meet every Wednesday for bible study in Meeting Room 1 from 6:30-8:00pm. After about 30 minutes of small talk, our discussions turn to a good book. During the summer, we play golf and bocce ball.
Monday Circle: Women’s Group
We meet every 2nd Monday in the Sanctuary 7:00 pm to study the Horizons Bible Study.
Friday Circle: Women’s Group
We meet every 3rd Friday in host homes 10:00 am to study the same Horizons Bible Study.